Old Fullers Earth Site – Our Day In Court

Last year the owner of the Old Fullers Earth Site applied to build a large residual waste facility on the Green Belt, in addition to the existing activities on their site, which are subject to enforcement proceedings.

Over 250 of us objected to Bath and North East Somerset Council (BANES), who did everything they could to minimise our voices at the Development Control Committee meeting.

BANES chose to ignore the sound arguments put forward by Protect Bath, The Bath Preservation Trust and local residents. BANES once again took two steps backwards in their approach towards the unlawful activities on this site.

BANES left us with no choice but to apply for a Judicial Review of their decision to approve the plan.
Our application for Judicial Review has been accepted and on March 3rd, we will have our day in court.

Our legal team are working on the case now.

Essentially, our argument is that the impact on the Green Belt must be minimised. Just building more on the site does nothing to protect the Green Belt.

If we succeed, the site owner will need to go back to the drawing board. If we don’t succeed, not only will the existing eyesore remain, there will also be a large and obtrusive waste plant built all over the Green Belt site.

Judicial Reviews are not cheap. This case is likely to cost in the region of £35,000.

We need your help. Please make a contribution to the legal fighting fund now.


Together we can continue to show BANES that we won’t let their poor planning decisions trash our Green Belt.

The really good news is that if we win, there is a chance that our costs will be refunded, in which case, we’ll offer you the chance to have your donation returned.

If you’d prefer to post a cheque, please send to:

ProtectBath.org and Victims of Fullers Earth
Box 203
3 Edgar Buildings
George Street